Leprechauns and St. Patrick's Day
Leprechaun ale also symbolic of Ireland. In Irish folklore,
they are small Irish
dressed like the bearded Keebler elves, about three feet
high, with pointed shoes green
vest and hat.
Key facts and traits
- They are mischievous and enjoys practical jokes.
- They wear a green (sometimes red) coat, hat, Spectacles on
his pointed nose, Silver buckles to his hose, boots and a
cobbler's Leather apron
- They are solitary, spending their time making and mending
shoes and looking for gold
- Leprechauns have a pot of gold which they hide at the end of
the rainbow.
- If captured by a human, a Leprechaun must grant three wishes
in exchange for their freedom.
- If the human either lets go of the Leprechaun or looks away
from him, the leprechaun and his gold disappea
- They often carry a walking stick called a shillelagh.
(pronounced shill-lay-lee).
History and folklore
- The earliest known reference to the leprechaun is in the
medieval tale the Echtra Fergus mac Léti (Adventure of Fergus
son of Léti).[
- According to Yeats, the leprechaun, wear red jackets, but
today's folklore has them in green. The leprechaun's jacket has
seven rows of buttons with seven buttons to each row.
Leprechaun traps
It is traditional on the eve of St. Patrick's day for children to
set out traps to try to catch a leprechaun who may try to enter
their house and cause mischief, usually by tipping things over.
According to the tradition, one must believe leprechauns are real to
trap one. If successfully trapped, the Leprechauns may grant three
wishes. However, the leprechaun always escapes, but leaves behind
some chocolate gold coins for the children. A box held up with
a stick with some candy inside is a suitable trap.
Some schools, pubs, websites and civic associations hold trap
contests, focused on kid creativity.
Other holidays and resources: