If you name your city "Dublin", then you better have a St. Patrick's Day parade, by gosh. And Dublin, Ohio does! Not to be confused with Dublin, Ireland, Georgia's Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Day parade dates back to the 1980’s. ) . The day begins with the Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast, then the Inflation Celebration, and culminates with the Parade.
Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 10 am - 12:00 pm 314 Academy Avenue, Dublin, GA 31021 United States. starting at 10:30 am, going until about 12:30 pm. ALWAYS see their website for for latest updates. They could have changed or cancelled it after we last updated this page..
The Parade will travel through downtown Dublin. They don't seem to have a parade route map anywhere, but here is a Google map of downtown, Dublin, GA.
Floats from local organization! The St. Patrick’s Arts & Crafts Festival springs alive from 9 AM to 5 PM at Downtown’s Market on Madison with live music, entertainment, and handcrafted delights from across the Southeast.
If you want to be in the parade, contact the Dublin Civitan Club (2020 Dublin, GA St. Patrick’s Parade Application). In 2020 the fee to be in the Dublin St. Patrick’s Parade is $60.
Deadline for entry in March 7th. Lineup is determined by date the entry fee is received. Email:
If it is a cold day, bring a warm hat, warm gloves, and warm shoes. For a sunny day, you’ll want to bring sunglasses, suntan lotion, and a hat. The parade goes on rain, shine or snow.
Mass transit is a great way to get in and out to see the parade. There will be road closures in the area,
If you want more information, such as to participate in the parade or become a sponsor, see the parade's official website here.
102 Travel Center Blvd.
Dublin, GA 31021.
Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday-Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm
Phone: 478-272-4002
Email: info@visitdublinga.org.