The St. Patrick's Day Parade should be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025, and will begin promptly at 3 pm. It is always held on the Saturday of or preceding St. Patrick's Day, March 17th. the St Patrick's Day parade's official website
The Parade will travel from Newport City Hall and will proceed to Carroll Avenue at Saint Augustin’s Church
The parade
If you'd like to see photos from past years' parades, click here. But the parade is not just an “Irish thing”. According to their website, the parade
will begin promptly at 11:00am from Newport City Hall and will proceed to Carroll Avenue at Saint Augustin’s Church in the heart of the Fifth Ward. The parade this year is estimated to last 2 hours and will include Pipe Bands, Marching Bands, Fife & Drum Corps, Clown Units, reenactment units, and a host of local, state, and regional organizations including police and fire units, social/fraternal organizations, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Schools, and non-profits.
The Newport Saint Patrick's Day Parade is always held on the Saturday preceding March 17th (St. Patrick's Day), unless the 17th is a Saturday in which case it is held on that day.
If it is a cold day, bring a warm hat, warm gloves, and warm shoes. For a sunny day, you’ll want to bring sunglasses, suntan lotion, and a hat. The parade goes on rain, shine or snow. And of course, it is traditional to be dressed in GREEN (or orange or white - colors of the Irish flag)!
Mass transit is a great way to get in and out to see the parade.
If you want more information, such as to participate in the parade or become a sponsor, see the St Patrick's Day parade's official website here...
Find the parade's Facebook page here.
C/O 34 Norman St, Newport, RI, United States, Rhode Island
Phone: 401-846-5081